Sunday, May 17, 2015

"Child's Play" - A Poem

Child's Play

Drink Shannon to the dregs, they will 
and spill her on the way; 
drunk with surfeit, bare of sense, 
living only for the day.  
And the day will come 
when the wasted drops 
and the billions wasted before 
will float away the ancient mop 
dingy and dripping behind the door.  
The children will play at the reservoir 
piped in by a very big straw -- 
funny Dublin blowing bubbles (!) 
bigger than any you ever saw.  
When the bubbles burst and float away 
and there's no more froth to spill, 
the children will see that it's Reckoning Day -- 
but do you think Dublin will?

Dedicated to the River Shannon.

Written 2012 by Carolyn Marra
© 2012 All rights reserved.

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