I compiled this page of links with three goals in mind:

1) To provide an ongoing history of this issue as it develops.

2) To illustrate related, similar, or parallel concerns elsewhere about the disturbing of river environments.

3) To provide information relevant to the co-preservation of human life.

With these links, I hoped to contribute to the overall economy of ideas, to help spur on new thoughts about tenable angles of objection to the disturbance of the River Shannon's ecosystem.  For example, if harm was occasioned to the environment by the disturbance of "woody matter" in one body of water in one corner of the world, might a similar situation come to exist in the River Shannon if any particular solid matter in her waters is disturbed?  When they added a park or a walking bridge to a given water environment and disturbed the movement of the fish in that location, might a similar thing occur in the River Shannon if they were to build a park on her premises?  Etc.
In this way, I sought to provide details which might prove to be relevant/helpful to arguments made against large-scale water abstraction from the Shannon (and against any other potentially destabilizing construction proposed as part of this project).  In my research, I found that Canada seems to be very "up" on details of environmental harm and environmental preservation.  Perhaps some of this information can be useful.            



"East Clare objection to water abstraction plan" - The Clare Champion, December 11, 2013

"North Tipp: No Decision on Lough Derg Water Extraction" - Thurles Information, Sept. 20, 2013

"Concerns raised over aluminum plant in Limerick" - by David Raleigh of The Irish Times, Sept. 19, 2013

"Tipperary to oppose Dublin's plan to siphon water from Lough Derg" - Tipperary Star, Sept. 11, 2013 

"Lough Derg Extraction Plan Might 'Wipe Out' Tipp Tourism" - The Midland Tribune, June 20, 2013  - LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE (July, 2015)

"Tipperary's SPA Resist[s] Water Abstraction from Lough Derg" - Thurles Information, March 20, 2013

"Lough Derg extraction could breach EU law." - Warnings that Europe could stifle Dublin City's plans - County Tipperary's Tipp FM radio, March 19, 2013

"Proposed Petrol Station in Floodplain puts River Shannon at Risk" - Green Party (News), Feb. 25, 2013 - LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE (July, 2015)

"Bord Pleanala overrule their Inspector in granting permission for filling station" - Leitrim Observer, February 8, 2013



River Shannon Protection Alliance

River Shannon Protection Alliance - Derg Branch (Facebook)




"Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project from Lough Ree on the River Shannon to Dublin City (4/1/10)" - 'A Gentle Whisper in Your Ear' by C.J. Walsh, Consultant Architect, Fire Engineer and Technical Controller (Ireland)

"Ozone for Water Treatment Gains Acceptance" by Carl Schleicher, Water & Wastes Digest (2012)

Irish Doctors Environmental Association [IDEA]

"ISDE [International Society of Doctors for the Environment] submission to EU Commission's DG SANCO . . . [re:] water fluoridation (2009)" - written by Dr. Philip Michael, Vice President [Europe] ISDE, Vice Chairman IDEA, Millbrook Medical Centre, Bandon, Co Cork [IDEA is affiliated with ISDE]

"Effects of Water Abstraction and Pollution on Macroinvertebrate Community in a Mediterranean River [the Llobregat River, Spain]" by I. Munoz & N. Prat, Dept. Ecologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

"Occurrence of copper resistant mutants in the toxic cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa: characterisation and future implications in the use of copper sulphate as algaecide" (abstract from Water Research - Volume 38, Issue 8, April 2004, pp. 2207-2213) - Quote from abstract: "Warnings on the long-term consequences of repetitive algaecide treatments in water supplies are suggested."

"A Call to Ban Copper Sulfate (an Algaecide) for Use in America's Waters" by Braden Galbreath-O'Leary (2009), Ezine Articles

"Application of Aquatic Pesticides and Algaecides to Reservoirs Used as a Public Drinking Water Supply" - Algaecide Fact Sheet from Ohio EPA, Division of Drinking and Ground Waters (October, 2011)

"Blue-Green Algae" published by Public Health, Grey Bruce Health Unit (Ontario, Canada) - LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE (July, 2015)

"Cyanobacterial (Blue-Green Algal) Toxins and their Significance in UK and European Waters" by Linda A. Lawton and G. A. Codd (1991); Water and Environment Journal, 5: 460–465

"World's oceans could become 'soupy swill': expert" - © (c) CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc (published on, September 13, 2008)

"The Negative Health Effects of Chlorine" by Joseph G. Hattersley (The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 15, 2nd Quarter, 2000) - Includes comprehensive information on ecosystem and human effects

"Chemicals Remain in Most Treated Water, Says Report" - PR Newswire, United Business Media

"River and Stream Continuity Project" (UMass Amherst/UMass Extension) - Impact of road crossings on hydrology and hydraulics (including stress on fish) - LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE (July, 2015)

"Ecological and Morphological Significance of Old Growth Deadhead Logs in the Blackwater River [Florida]" by Donald Ray, FDEP NWD Biologist

Environmental Fact Sheet:  "Managing Large Woody Material in Rivers and Streams" ("Let the Sleeping Log Lie") - New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, 2012

"Bio-Physical Impacts of Urbanization on Aquatic Ecosystems" by Helen Anderson, eHow Contributor - LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE (July, 2015)

Publications of Anne C. Steinemann, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering; a Program Manager and Visiting Researcher at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, U.C. San Diego - LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE (July, 2015)

 "Group of parents upset Peel schools may install Wi-Fi" by Natalie Van Rooy, Global News, Toronto, May 8, 2013

The Chemical Edge (Varda Burstyn and David Fenton) - extremely comprehensive re: global use of chemicals and their deleterious health effects

Varda Burstyn, author of eco-thriller, Water Inc. - "Varda Burstyn is an award-winning author, political writer, cultural critic, and public policy consultant." (

Paradigm Consultants - Varda Burstyn and David Fenton

Resource Kit (Brantford, Ontario)" - sampler of issues/legal issues involved in protecting one's environment.  Produced through collaboration of the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) and the Environmental Health Institute of Canada (EHI Canada), funded by the Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO).


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