Monday, May 13, 2013

Murmuration (!) on Lough Derg (on Ireland's River Shannon)

Hello, Friends,

What's a "murmuration"?  If you don't know, don't feel bad.  I didn't know, either!  But now that I've seen one, I won't be forgetting it!

A "murmuration" is a flocking of starlings.  But don't let me ruin the surprise for you:  Just watch this spectacular footage, below, filmed on Lough Derg,* a lake of the River Shannon:

As they swooped and dipped and merged, the intersecting shapes of the starling formations, themselves, sometimes looked like the wing-spreading figures of large birds!

This is all part of the natural wonder of Ireland's River Shannon and her lakes, endangered national treasure and environmental mainstay of much of the country's wildlife, human life, cultural heritage, and economic livelihood.

Of particular interest to chemically sensitive individuals is the fact that Ireland led the world with its nationwide ban (2004) on smoking in workplaces and, as early as 1988, had already outlawed smoking in many public places.

What you've beheld in this video, above, is part and parcel of what Ireland's River Shannon Protection Alliance is trying desperately to save from Dublin's potentially tragic interference.  Please see the links on the upper sidebar (top right) to help promote this environmentally worthy cause of saving the River Shannon.

I hope you've enjoyed the video!

Thank you for watching, and . . .


~ Carolyn

*FOOTNOTE August 2014:  This video was brought to my attention by Mr. Gerry Siney.  Many thanks for the inspiration!