Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lough Derg: A Bird's-Eye View of the River Shannon

Hello, Friends,

I think I've made it fairly clear (!) that I'm championing the saving of Ireland's River Shannon.  But from what? 

From Dublin's plans to pump mega-amounts of water from the River Shannon into Dublin City.  This could prove to be an environmental disaster for the River Shannon and all the beauty, fishing, boating, tourism, art, and folklore that surrounds her.  

Toward the end of encouraging others to help Ireland preserve the Shannon (see page from sidebar:  The Issue - Chronology - Resources),  I found a most unique video to share with you.  To my eye, it's really something special.  It's got a personality all its own.  As I watched, I could just feel the expanse of the water all around me, as though I were right there in the water.  Breathtaking views!

Nature lovers, please take note!  This is the Shannon lake, Lough Derg, from which Dublin seeks to extract 350 million liters of water per day:


Please link this page to others!

Thank you, and . . .


~ Carolyn